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The grill (parrilla), processed with laser cutting technology, allows you to cook with firewood or coal all types of food and recipes.

Chapanegra – Parrilla

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Additional information

Weight3 kg
Dimensions70 × 27 cm

Chapa Negra SAE 1010/1020 (2.5mm)

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The grill (parrilla), processed with laser cutting technology, allows you to cook with firewood or coal all types of food and recipes.
It is designed to be used individually or as a complement of the Estaca as it occupies a strategic surface of the Fogonero so that it does not interfere in the cooking.
It is important to highlight the difference between the parrilla and the estaca . On one hand, cooking on the stake requires the heat of the flames of the fire, demands a long cooking process and constant meat hydration. The parrilla, on the other hand, requires the heat of the embers, more attention and less cooking time.
Both cooking methods are different but can be combined perfectly.

In Argentina we love snacking achuras (parrilla) while we wait for the costillar (estaca)

